«Worldfood Kazakhstan-2014» in Almaty

Confectionary factory «Bayan Sulu» JSC participated in «Worldfood Kazakhstan-2014» – 17thCentral Asian International Exhibition of food products, drinks, ingredients and equipment held in Almaty from November 5 tillNovember 7, 2014.
The Worldfood Kazakhstan Exhibition is a professional event exposing the complete variety of the food industry from raw materials to final products. Besides the newest articles of the world food industry the domestic producers making efforts to develop a competitive position for their products were as well represented there.
The importance of this event is usually reflected by numerous participants from the vast geographical area (more than 100 companies from Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania as well as Argentina, Bulgaria, Belgium, Greece, Germany, China, Turkey, France and South Korea), and by the wide spectrum of the latest advances in the food industry, which obviously significantly addsup to the positive development of the industry’s future.
Thisexhibition creates an opportunity for the participants to display theirlatest developments of the food and processing industries, exchange business information and discuss the problem points of the industry.
The Worldfood Kazakhstan performances have become traditional and well recognizableby the leading companies of not only Kazakhstan, but the CIS and far-abroad areas.
During the exhibition besides familiarizing with the latest food industry offers one couldalso taste them. While the performance run the negotiations on the products sale on the territory of Almaty and near-by regions, meeting with the producers of the ingredientsand raw materials for confectionary industry, packages, compartment inserts and equipment were held. Advertisement and transport logistic services were offered.
«Bayan Sulu» JSC was awarded with a certificate and memorable souvenir for the relevant and professional exposition at the «Worldfood Kazakhstan-2014». The exhibition organization awarded «Bayan Sulu» JSC with a note of gratitude.