Exhibition in Novosibirsk. October 28-30, 2015

JSC «Bayan Sulu» confectionery plant took part in «InterFood Siberia-2015» Exhibition for Food, Beverages, Ingredients and Equipment which was held in Novosibirsk from October 28 to 30, 2015.
The exhibition was attended by professionals of food industry from Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Thailand and Turkey.
Our stand attracted a lot of attention. We try to forge partnerships with our visitors and use exhibition as place where we can meet our potential partners. Our production is represented in Novosibirsk. It is recognized and loved.
The exhibition included talks on sale of the products and the meetings with the producers of raw materials and producers of polymeric wrapping, cellulose wrapping and equipment and other sectors were held. Advertising and transport logistics services were offered.
Exhibition «InterFood Siberia-2015» makes it possible to increase volume of sales and expand sales geography.
Our company has been awarded with a certificate for participation in the exhibition.