To Shareholders

(Каз) 03.10.2012 16:00:00

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1 October 2012


JSC «Bayan Sulu» reports that the Committee on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of National bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 24, 2012 made the state registration of changes and the additions made to the prospectus of a share issue of on the basis of decisions, made by annual general meeting of shareholders of JSC «Bayan Sulu» from June 26 2012 on questions: approval of methods of definition of a share value at their repayment by on unorganized securities market in the new edition, the statement of the Order of distribution of JSC net income, election of the new board member of Society, and also the decision of Board of directors of April 23, 2012 about the adoption of Regulations on Committees of Board of directors and in connection with reduction of separate data of the prospectus in compliance to the appendix 1 to Rules of the state registration of issue of the declared shares, approvals of the report on results of placement of shares and cancellation of the share issue, approved by the resolution of Board of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of July 30, 2005 N 268. « (KFN NB RK letter of 24.08.12. No. 668/102/4866)
(Каз) 03.09.2012 15:30:00

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20 July 2012


The department of justice of the Kostanay region of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan made changes and additions to JSC «Bayan Sulu» Charter, approved as the solution of general shareholder meeting from 26.06.2012. Basis: Notification of Department of justice of the Kostanay region Dated 13.07.2012 No. 3-3-3208

2 July 2012


1, About results of annual general shareholder meeting.

JSC «Bayan Sulu» reports that annual general shareholder meeting in which 2 (two) shareholders owning 39 717 458 (thirty nine million seven hundred seventeen thousand four hundred fifty eight) common shares took part that makes 88,9329% of total of voting common shares of took place on June 26, 2012.

According to the Agenda the following decisions were made:

On notice 1.

1. To elect counting board in quantity 3х the person in structure:

Kolomeytseva S. P. – the chairman of the commission, the senior legal adviser of society

Laykonina A.A. – member of the commission, chief of candy shop of Society

Grunyova T.V. – member of the commission, chief of caramel shop of

2. To define a term of office of members of counting board before date of carrying out the following annual general shareholder meeting, inclusive.

On notice 2.

To approve the Agenda of general shareholder meeting:

1. Definition of quantitative structure and term of office of counting board, election of her members.

2. Approval of the agenda of general shareholder meeting.

3. The approval of financial statements for 2011.

4. The statement of an order of distribution of net income of for fiscal year.

5. About dividends.

6. About modification and additions in the Charter.

7. About modification and additions in the Code of corporate governance of Society.

8. The statement of the Technique of definition of a stock value at their repayment by on unorganized securities market in the new edition.

9. Adoption of Provision on an order of providing to shareholders of information on activity.

10. Statement of the Order of distribution of net income of Society.

11. Adoption of Provision on Board of directors.

12. Election of the new board member of Society.

13. About addresses of shareholders on actions of and its officials and results of their consideration.

14. Informing of shareholders of on the size and structure of remuneration of board members and Board for 2011.

On notice 3.

To approve the audited financial statements of JSC «Bayan Sulu» for 2011:

· Financial position report

· Cumulative income report

· Cash flow report;

· Capital change report;

· Explanatory note (notes to financial statements).

On notice 4.

All profit after the taxation, following by results of JSC “Bayan Sulu” work for 2011, in total amount of 598 879 thousand tenge direct to the production development.

On notice 5.

Do not pay dividends on common shares of JSC «Bayan Sulu» following the results of work on 2011.

On notice 6.

1. To approve changes and the additions made to the Charter of Society. 2. To authorize the Chairman of the board – the President of Trayber V.A. to sign changes and the additions made to the Charter of Society.

On notice 7.

1. To approve changes and the additions made to the Code of corporate governance of Society.

2. To authorize the Chairman of the board – the President of Trayber V.A. to sign changes and the additions made to the Code of corporate governance of Society.

On notice 8.

To approve the Method of definition of a share value at their repayment by JSC on unorganized securities market in the new edition.

On notice 9.

To approve the Provision on an order of providing to shareholders of information on JSC «Bayan Sulu» activity.

On notice 10.

To approve the Order of distribution of net income of JSC «Bayan Sulu».

On notice 11.

To approve the Provision on JSC «Bayan Sulu» Board of directors.

On notice 12.

To elect Mr. Kasimov Bulat Dauletkhanovich in JSC «Bayan Sulu» Board of directors as the independent director.

On notice 13.

To take into consideration Information on addresses of shareholders on actions of and its officials and results of their consideration.

On notice 14.

To take into consideration Information on quantity and structure of remuneration of board members and Board for 2011.

2. About changes in structure of Board of directors.

Due the member of Board of directors Beysenbayev Askhat Niyazbekovich since April 19, 2012 ahead of schedule stopped powers of the board member, the independent director of on the basis of presented to them in Board of directors of the written notice and the relevant decision of Board of directors from 19.04.2012 on vacant post of the board member, the independent director general meeting of shareholders of from 26.06.2012. Kasimov Bulat Dauletkhanovich is elected.

Board of Directors

15 June 2012


JSC «Bayan Sulu» reports about CFI code assignment to common shares of society NIN KZ1C24120012 according to the international ISO 10962 standards. Basis: Certificate No. 15 from May 31, 2012, Issued by Central Securities Depository.
(Каз) 01.06.2012 16:00:00

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31 May 2012


JSC «Bayan Sulu» reports about the early termination of powers of the board member, the independent director of Beysenbayev Askhat Niyazbekovich, agrees given to them in Board of directors to the written notice.
(Каз) 28.05.2012 16:00:00

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11 May 2012

Notice about convocation of annual general meeting of shareholders of JSC «Bayan Sulu»

JSC «Bayan Sulu» located at the address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 110006, Kostanay, Borodin St., 198, informs on convocation of annual general shareholder meeting.

Full name and location of executive body of society:

JSC «Bayan Sulu» Board

198 Borodin St., Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan, 110006

Data on the initiator of convocation of meeting:

JSC «Bayan Sulu» Board of Directors.

Date, time and venue of general meeting of JSC shareholders:

June 26, 2012, 17: 30 local time.

198 Borodin St., Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan, 110006, administrative household building, assembly hall.

Time of the beginning of registration of participants of meeting:

16:00 of local time.

Date and time of repeated general shareholders meeting in case if the first meeting will not take place:

On June 27, 2012, 17 hours 30 minutes of local time.

Date of drawing up the list of the shareholders licensed for participation in general shareholder meeting: May 17, 2012.

Agenda of general shareholder meeting:

1. Definition of quantitative structure and term of office of counting board, election of her members.

2. Approval of the agenda of general shareholder meeting.

3. Approval of financial statements for 2011.

4. Approval of distribution order of net income for fiscal year.

5. About dividends.

6. About modification and additions in the Charter.

7. About modification and additions in the Code of corporate governance of Society.

8. Approval of the method of definition of a share value at their repayment by on unorganized securities market in the new edition.

9. Adoption of Provision on an order of providing to shareholders of information on activity.

10. Statement of the Order of distribution of net income of Society.

11. Adoption of Provision on Board of directors.

12. Election of the new board member of Society.

13. About addresses of shareholders on actions of and its officials and results of their consideration.

14. Informing of shareholders of on quantity and structure of remuneration of board members and Board for 2011.

Order of acquaintance of shareholders of with materials on notice the agenda of general shareholder meeting:

On notice the agenda of general meeting shareholders can examine materials since June 15, 2012 to the address: 198 Borodin St., Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan, 110006, administrative household building.

JSC «Bayan Sulu» board of directors