To Shareholders

(Каз) 31.12.2012 15:30:00

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(Каз) 27.12.2012 15:30:00

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(Каз) 26.12.2012 15:30:00

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24 December 2012

Information on change of emitter structure

1) Date of decision-making of changes of Emitter structure with indication of Emitter authority name which has made the decision – the decision of Board of directors from 19.12.2012. Protocol No. 21; 2) Emitter Name, which structure is changed – Board of directors JSC «Bayan Sulu”; 3) Point of changes in Emitter structure: – surname, name, middle name (if presented) of the person expelled from Emitter structure – Kazhynov Erlan Chapayevich; – surname, name, middle name (if presented) of the person, elected (appointed) in authority structure – “did not chosen”
(Каз) 19.12.2012 15:30:00

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14 December 2012

Information on change of Emitter structure

1) Date of decision-making of changes of Emitter structure with indication of Emitter authority name which has made the decision – the decision of Board of directors from 12.12.2012. Protocol No. 20; 2) Emitter Name, which structure is changed – Board of directors JSC «Bayan Sulu”; 3) Point of changes in Emitter structure: – surname, name, middle name (if presented) of the person expelled from Emitter structure – Akhmetzhanov Dulat Dauletbayevich; – surname, name, middle name (if presented) of the person, elected (appointed) in authority structure – “Konrat Evgeny Vladimirovich”
(Каз) 07.12.2012 01:00:00

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4 December 2012

The notice of the conclusion of the contract with JSC Uniform Registrar of Securities.

JSC «Bayan Sulu» notifies shareholders of the company on the conclusion with contract JSC Uniform Registrar of Securities of 15.11.2012 No. 00353-AO on maintaining system of registers of holders of securities on the basis of the requirement of the legislation and the decision of Board of directors of from 16. 10. 2012, protocol No. 16. For carrying out operations on the personal accounts open for JSC Uniform Registrar of Securities: change of data on the registered person, receiving extracts from personal account, write-off/transfer of securities with/on front (-oh) accounts (account) and other operations, shareholders need to apply to the address: 050000, Almaty, Abylaykhan St., 141 (Kurmangazy corner); contact phones: 8 (727) 272 69 40, 8 (727) 272 69 90; phone/fax: 8 (727)272 47 60; e-mail: ; bank details: BIN 120140005662; PHH 600700658518; IBAN KZ366010131000154498 in JSC National Bank of Kazakhstan, BIK HSBKKZKX, Kbe 17. Services of the Uniform registrar in registration of operations in system of registers are carried out on a paid basis and paid according to the Tariffs approved by Uniform registrar. We pay attention that by subparagraph 2) point 1 of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On joint-stock companies” it is provided a duty of shareholders within ten days to inform the registrar of and the nominal holder of the actions belonging to this shareholder, on change of the data necessary for maintaining system of registers of holders of actions of society. In this connection, we ask you to support the data in system of registers at the Uniform registrar in an actual state.
(Каз) 16.11.2012 16:00:00

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25 October 2012

JSC «Bayan Sulu» reports that the Committee on control and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan took into consideration information that for the reporting period from April 03, 2012 to October 02, 2012 placement of shares of JSC «Bayan Sulu» wasn’t carried out (KFN NB RK letter from 15.10.12. No. 668/103/5870). As of October 02, 2012 it isn’t placed 55 340 000 (fifty five million three hundred forty thousand) common shares of Society.