JSC “Bayan Sulu” Board of Directors made the decision dated 23. 04.2013, the protocol No. 7 to approve the transaction, interested by JSC “Bayan Sulu”: Providing LLP “KazFoodProducts” pledge to a JSC “BTA Bank” (further – Bank) as JSC “Bayan Sulu” discharge of obligations according to the General Credit Agreement No. 2000/13/1 from 24.01.2013. (Further GCA) (to each/any contract and/or the agreement which is concluded in its framework and being its integral part): money for the increased amount of 1 600 000 000 (One billion six hundred million) the tenge, the added remuneration, and also the investor rights under the contract of a bank deposit “A success formula” with the legal entity of March 19, 2013 to No. 1704 opened in Bank, until providing by the Borrower of JSC “ Bayan Sulu” of pledge contracts registered in authorized agencies specified by GCA.
Information on change to the JSC “Bayan Sulu” prospectus of securities issue
1) Date of decision-making by Emitter authority, which is the basis for modification of the prospectus of securities issue, authority name which has made the decision: Decisions of Board of directors from 12.12.2012 Protocol No. 20 dated 19.12.2012. Protocol No. 21; 2) Content (essence) changes made into prospectus of securities issues: a) Reflected the changes in JSC structure: – excluded Line 5 from chart point 11: on the basis of the decision of Board of directors of December 19, 2012 ahead of schedule put at the end of the board member Kazhynov Erlan Chapayevich terms of appointments on his initiative – added changes in Line 5 chart point 12 : on the basis of the decision of Board of directors on December 19, 2012 ahead of schedule put at the end of the board member Kazhynov Erlan Chapayevich terms of appointments on his initiative and the new board member Konrat Evgeny Vladimirovich is elected; b) in connection with reduction of data of the prospectus in compliance to the appendix 1 to Rules of the state registration of issue of the declared stocks, approvals of the report on results of placement of shares and cancellation of the share issue, approved by the resolution of Board of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of July 30, 2005 N 268, point 12 of the prospectus is added with the indication of powers of board members of Society; c) In point 18 of the prospectus reflected changes occurred in structure of affiliated persons of JSC.
On the basis of the decision of Board of directors of from 10.02.2011 the protocol No. 105, the Justice department of the Karasay region of Almaty area registered on March 14, 2011 change in the Provision on Almaty branch JSC «Bayan Sulu» On notice renaming of the street of location of branch. The decision of Board of the protocol No. 114 from 28марта 2011 g put into operation of 25.03.2010 organizational structure of taking into account the made changes and additions. By the decision of Board of Directors dated 28.03.2011 the protocol No. 106, in connection with death of the head of service of internal audit Shchetinina G. G., management authority discontinued ahead of schedule, Tsypysheva N. P. is appointed the head of service of internal audit. At the same meeting authority of the board member Matryukova N. I. discontinued ahead of schedule, and the new board member Akhmetzhanov D. D., 1974 year of birth, the elected as commercial director.
JSC “Bayan Sulu” Board of Directors made the decision dated 08. 04.2013, the protocol No. to approve the transaction, interested by JSC “Bayan Sulu”: providing LLP “KazFoodProducts” a pledge to a JSC “BTA Bank” (further – Bank) as JSC «Bayan Sulu» discharge of obligations according to the General Credit Agreement No. 2000/13/1 from 24.01.2013. (Further GCA) (to each/any contract and/or the agreement which is concluded in its framework and being its integral part): money for the increased amount of 1 150 000 000 (One billion hundred fifty million) the tenge, the added remuneration, and also investor rights under the contract of a bank deposit “A success formula” with the legal entity of March 19, 2013 to No. 1704 opened in Bank (further – DBV), until providing by the Borrower of JSC “Bayan Sulu” of pledge contracts registered in authorized agencies, specified by GCA.
JSC “Bayan Sulu” Board of Directors made the decision dated 20.03.2013, the protocol No. 4 on approval of the conclusion of JSC “Bayan Sulu” of transactions in which commission there is an interest: providing to LLP “KazFoodProducts” a pledge to a JSC BTA Bank (further – Bank) as JSC “Bayan Sulu” discharge of obligations according to the General Credit Agreement No. 2000/13/1 from 24.01.2013. (Further GCA) (to each/any contract and/or the agreement which is concluded in its framework and being its integral part): the money, the added remuneration, and also the investor rights under the Contract of the Bank deposit “A success formula” with the legal entity No. 1704 of the March 19, 2013, opened in Bank, until providing JSC “Bayan Sulu” pledge contracts registered in authorized agencies and specified in GCA.
Due to the making decision on pledges in JSC BTA Bank according to JSC «Bayan Sulu» and JSC “AziaAgroFood” obligations the Board of directors of JSC «Bayan Sulu» made the decision from 11.02.2013, protocol No. 3 on the conclusion with transaction JSC “AziaAgroFood” in which commission by there is an interest. Chairman of Board – President Trayber V.A.
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Information on the changes made to the prospectus of JSC «Bayan Sulu» securities issue
1) Date of decision-making by body of the issuer who is the basis for modification of the prospectus of issue of issue securities, the name of the body which has made the decision – The decision of Board of directors from 16.10.2012, protocol No. 16; 2) Content (essence) of the changes made to the prospectus of securities issue: in connection with election as the registrator of JSC “Uniform Registrar of Securities” and the conclusion of the contract with it on maintaining system of registers of securities holders, JSC “Bayan Sulu” made changes and the additions registered by Committee on control and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of National bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.12.2012 by No. 668/102/7484: Point 46 of the prospectus is stated in the following edition: “46. JSC Registrar data. Full name of Registrar – Corporation “Integrated Security Registrar”. Abbreviation: JSC “Integrated Security Registrar” or Uniform registrar. Location – 050000, Almaty, Abylaykhan Ave., 141. Contact phones: 8 (727) 272 69 40; 8 (727) 272 69 90. Fax: 8 (727)272 47 60. E-mail: License (number, issue date, agency issued the license) on implementation of activity on maintaining the register of security holders – Activities of the Uniform registrar for maintaining system of registers of security holders aren’t subject to licensing by authorized agencies. Registrar Date and Number of the contract –November 15, 2012 No. 00353-AO
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